Spectrum XLI

The Spectrum XLI system allows operators to complete multiple above-ground surveys in a single pass of the pipeline. This provides more reliable inspection data, and allows the operator to save money by reducing the number of surveys needed to collect multiple data streams.
Spectrum XLI is the most reliable way to collect above-ground survey data

Using the XLI system, all pipeline data is auditable, streamlined, and delivered as quickly as possible to inform integrity and repair decisions.
Simultaneously, the Spectrum XLI system can collect: GPS/GIS, depth of cover, depth of water, gas leak detection, cathodic protection survey (CP CIPS/CIS), direct current voltage gradient (DCVG), alternating current voltage gradient (ACVG), alternating current-current attenuation (ACCA), soil corrosivity measurements and Pipe Wall Assessment data.
By collecting all data with one solution, pipeline owners receive the results in a single reporting platform, which allows for more informed decision-making and reliable data integrity. This ensures that all pipeline data is auditable, streamlined, and delivered as quickly as possible to inform integrity and repair decisions.
Why Choose Corrpro Canada?

Spectrum XLI allows pipeline owners to proactively identify potential areas of corrosion before they occur.

Spectrum XLI collects quality, defensible data that can be verified by the pipeline operator.

Spectrum XLI combines up to 10 different inspection techniques in a single platform to save money.